Dark Shadows Online is a 2012 American comedy horror film based on the 1966–1971 gothic horror soap opera of the same name. Watch Dark Shadows Online Free is directed by Tim Burton and stars Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins, a 200-year-old vampire, and Michelle Pfeiffer as his cousin Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, a reclusive matriarch of the Collins family. It was released on the evening of May 10, 2012, opening fully the following day in the United States.
An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.
Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer and Eva Green
Genres: Comedy | Fantasy
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An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection.
Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer and Eva Green
Genres: Comedy | Fantasy
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