Watch Young Adult Online is a 2011 American dark comedy film directed by Jason Reitman, from a screenplay written by Diablo Cody. Reitman and Cody worked together previously on the 2007 film, Juno. Watch Young Adult Movie Online had a limited release on December 9, 2011, and a wide release on December 16, to generally positive reviews.
Mavis Gary, once the high school 'It Girl', now an alcoholic divorcee who writes a soon to be canceled young adult fiction series, takes the decision to return to her childhood home in Minnesota. There she embarks on a plan to win back her former sweetheart, Buddy. The fact that Buddy is now married with a baby doesn't dissuade her. Along the way, she forms a bond with Matt Freehauf, another former classmate, who has been left disabled by a beating he took from a bunch of jocks. Written by Anonymous
Director: Jason Reitman
Stars: Charlize Theron, Patrick Wilson and Patton Oswalt
Genres: Comedy | Drama
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Mavis Gary, once the high school 'It Girl', now an alcoholic divorcee who writes a soon to be canceled young adult fiction series, takes the decision to return to her childhood home in Minnesota. There she embarks on a plan to win back her former sweetheart, Buddy. The fact that Buddy is now married with a baby doesn't dissuade her. Along the way, she forms a bond with Matt Freehauf, another former classmate, who has been left disabled by a beating he took from a bunch of jocks. Written by Anonymous
Director: Jason Reitman
Stars: Charlize Theron, Patrick Wilson and Patton Oswalt
Genres: Comedy | Drama
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