Elevator Online is an upcoming 2012 American thriller film directed by Stig Svendsen. Elevator The Movie follows the struggles and conflicts of nine strangers trapped in a Wall Street elevator. One of the group has a bomb, with racism, greed and revenge playing key elements as they all fight to survive.
Racism collides with corporate greed when nine strangers are trapped in a Wall Street elevator, and one of them has a bomb. They will do anything to survive.
Director: Stig Svendsen
Stars: Christopher Backus, Anita Briem and John Getz
Genres: Thriller
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Suggested Movies:
Racism collides with corporate greed when nine strangers are trapped in a Wall Street elevator, and one of them has a bomb. They will do anything to survive.
Director: Stig Svendsen
Stars: Christopher Backus, Anita Briem and John Getz
Genres: Thriller
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